L'architecte maudit
Muu nimi/muut nimet: The cursed architect
Lajityyppi: Documentary film
Vuosi: 1953
Kesto: 00:18:00
Kuvaus: Historical documentary about Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, architect and urban planner under the reigns of Louis XV and Louis XVI, presented as a precursor. Presentation of its various constructions throughout France and its innovative projects.
Historical documentary on Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, architect and town planner under the reigns of Louis XV and Louis XVI. Ledoux, father of visionaries and utopians, was discovered by the court of Louis XV at the age of twenty-six. He built hunting lodges and castles such as the one in Louveciennes for the King's mistress. He then turned to urban planning and began construction of the Chaux Salt Works in the Jura, around which he planned to build the first industrial city. But Louis XVI cut the project short. Ledoux then built the octroi offices at the gates of Paris. His era disowned him and he died in oblivion. The film takes us on a tour of the salt works in the company of the janitor, at a time when they were still just forgotten ruins lost in the trees before their renovation. It is a historical document that probably contributed to the rehabilitation of Claude-nicolas Ledoux. Original drawings, projects, plans, perspectives and engravings left by Ledoux. Historical documentary on Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, architect and town planner under the reigns of Louis XV and Louis XVI. Ledoux, father of visionaries and utopians, was discovered by the court of Louis XV at the age of twenty-six. He built hunting lodges and castles such as the one in Louveciennes for the King's mistress. He then turned to urban planning and began construction of the Chaux Salt Works in the Jura, around which he planned to build the first industrial city. But Louis XVI cut the project short. Ledoux then built the octroi offices at the gates of Paris. His era disowned him and he died in oblivion. The film takes us on a tour of the salt works in the company of the janitor, at a time when they were still just forgotten ruins lost in the trees before their renovation. It is a historical document that probably contributed to the rehabilitation of Claude-nicolas Ledoux. Original drawings, projects, plans, perspectives and engravings left by Ledoux. (Text machine-translated)
Avainsanat: public monument / architect / elderly persons / park / countryside / modern architecture / historical architecture / nationalism / ménagement urbain et spatial / architecture-bâtiment / habitat-logement / cité ouvrière / histoire / mouvement architectural / Unité d'Habitation de Marseille / parc Monceau / Seine / Arc-et-Cenans / Paris / France / VICTOR-E project
Sisältölähde: Ministère de la Reconstruction et de l'Urbanisme
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Ministère de la Reconstruction et de l'Urbanisme
Tuotantoyhtiö: Société nouvelle Pathé cinéma
Väri: Black & White
Ohjaaja: Pierre Kast
Sound: With sound
Language: fr